Inviting participants through the “Schedule conference” tab

The Schedule conference tab in the Personal Cabinet contains advanced settings for scheduling a conference:
To schedule a conference, select the required settings and click the button.

The Schedule conference button

The You have scheduled a conference section will open.

The You have scheduled a conference section

Participants can be invited to the conference in the following ways:
  1. Send an e-mail message using a mail client.
  2. Create a calendar invitation using standard calendar tools.
  3. Send an e-mail message to addresses from the address book.
  4. Use a different communication method to send a direct link to the conference to the invited participants.

Inviting participants using an e-mail client

To invite private traders using a mail client, select the name of your mail client in the Choose the mail client drop-down menu.

The Choose the mail client drop-down menu

Select an email client from the list provided (MS Outlook is selected in the picture below):

and click the Invite participants button. The system will automatically open an email form containing all the necessary information about the conference, including a direct link to it.

An email form containing all the necessary information about the conference, including a direct link to it

In this form, you need to enter the required addresses, and then send the letter.

Inviting participants using the calendar

To create an invitation using the calendar, click on the link located in the center of the page You have appointed a conference. After that, an .ics file will be downloaded to your computer, which must be run. At startup, the operating system will ask you how to open this file:

Further actions are considered on the example of MS Outlook in Windows OS. After choosing an email client, a standard appointment form with automatically filled in conference data will open. Enter the addresses of the desired participants and send them an invitation. The invited attendees will be able to accept the invitation normally, and the event will be added to the calendar:

Example of MS Outlook in Windows OS: Inviting participants using the calendar

In this form, you need to enter the required addresses, and then send the letter.

Inviting participants from the address book

To invite a participant from the address book, enter characters from the participant's name, and the system will find him:

Inviting participants from the address book

Click the participant 's full name to add it. In the same way, you can add several participants:

Inviting several participants from the address book

After adding all the required participants, click the Invite button. The invitation to the conference will be sent to all recipients to their mailboxes, and the system will open the Invitation sent message:

The Invitation sent message