Mobile app: Moderating a meeting

Moderating Tools in the Users Window

After clicking the Participants button in the Control Panel the Users window opens. The system indicates for each participant:
  1. The name in the current meeting (e.g. Alexander Nikolaev).
  2. The role in the current meeting (Owner/Moderator/Participant).
  3. The Users window

    The meeting owner has moderator rights during the meeting. Besides, the owner can assign one or more meeting moderators. In the Participants window a moderator can:
  4. moderate each participant separately (opening the menu by long pressing the participant’s name);
  5. moderate all meeting participants (opening the menu by clicking the button).

Moderating a Single Participant

To moderate a single participant, long press its name in the list. The following drop-down menu opens:

Moderating a Single Participant

This menu contains the following options:
  1. Make moderator / Pick up moderation rights: Gives to / takes from the participant the moderator status.
  2. Remove presenter / Make presenter: Gives to / takes from the participant the presenter status.
  3. Turn sound off/on: Turns off/on the participant’s microphone.
  4. Turn video off/on: Turns off/on the participant’s video camera.
  5. Turn chat off/on: Disables/enables the participant to leave messages in the Chat.
  6. Put on hold: Blocks the participant from a meeting temporarily.
  7. Make/Remove Presenter: Gives to / takes from the participant the presenter status.
  8. Remove participant: Remove the participant from the meeting.

Moderating All Meeting Participants

To moderate all meeting participants, click the Menu button. The following drop-down menu opens:

Moderating All Meeting Participants

  1. Unban: Stops all the current bans for meeting participants.
  2. Turn audio and video off for all: Turns audio/video off for all the participants.
  3. Turn audio and video on for all: Turns audio/video on for all the participants.
  4. Turn audio off for all: Turns audio off for all the participants.
  5. End meeting for all: Ends the meeting for all the participants.