Mobile app: Participating in a meeting

The Meeting Window

After you have started or joined a meeting, the system displays the Meeting Window:

The Meeting Window

The Meeting Window contains the following sections:
  1. Toolbar: Contains the most important application controls.
  2. The Working Area: Is used to display videos of the meeting participants, and also for screen/document sharing, file uploading, visualization purposes, and polling.
  3. The Control Panel: Contains the most important meeting settings.

The Toolbar

The Toolbar contains the following elements:
  1. The View control: Changes the device camera used for the meeting: front (default) or back.
  2. The Speaker control: Mutes or unmutes the device speaker.
  3. The Video Layout control: Drop-box list with the following video layout modes:
  4. One speaker layout icon
    Switches to the One speaker layout. The meeting owner manually selects only one participant’s video which is displayed in a large box, while videos of the other participants are not displayed.
  5. Active speaker – auto layout icon
    Switches to the Active speaker – auto layout. The system automatically selects the participant who is speaking the most loudly. His/her video is displayed in a large box, while videos of the other participants (up to 15) are displayed in small boxes.
  6. Grid layout icon
    Switches to the Grid layout: videos of all the participants (up to 16) are displayed in small boxes.
  7. The VideoCall icon: Click to open a pop-up window with the meeting data:
  8. The LEAVE button: Click it to leave the meeting.

The Control Panel

The Control Panel contains the following elements:
  1. The Mute / Unmute button: Click this button to disable/enable your microphone.
  2. The Stop / Start button: Click this button to disable/enable your video camera.
  3. The Chat button: Opens the meeting chat.
  4. The Participants button: Opens the list of the meeting participants.
  5. The More button: Opens a drop-down menu with the following options:
    1. View screen sharing: Allows a participant to share his/her screen to other participants.
    2. Materials: Allows a participant to upload and demonstrate files.

Participants and Chat Buttons

  1. The Participants button: Opens the list of the meeting participants in the Users window.
  2. The Chat button: Opens the meeting chat in the chat window.
  3. All participants who are not blocked from the chat can leave text messages. The Chat window contains the following controls at the bottom:
  4. The Send to field: Allows you to select recipients of a new message.
  5. The Type message here... textbox: Allows you to write new messages
  6. Sends the message icon
    Sends the message which is inside the textbox.

Uploading and Demonstrating Files

During the meeting a participant can upload and demonstrate files. To start this mode, in the Control Panel click the More button and in the menu select the Materials option. The UPLOAD link appears in the Working Area:

The Working Area

To upload a file, click the UPLOAD link and in the file browser find the necessary file. You can upload in this way several files. The list of the uploaded files appears in the Working Area:

The list of the uploaded files

Each file can be:
  1. downloaded by clicking the Download button;
  2. viewed by clicking the View button.