Moderation tools in the Moderator Panel

Another way of meeting moderation is using the Moderator Panel. This instrument is available only in case if:
  1. a tariff including this option has been selected (the description of your current tariff can be seen in the Tariff Description window in the My data tab of your Personal Cabinet);
  2. when scheduling a conference with advanced settings, the Moderator panel option is selected in the Schedule a conference window:
  3. the Schedule a conference window

    Only if these conditions are met, the Moderator panel option will open in the Tools menu in the conference. To open it a moderator should click the Tool button in the Control Panel of the Meeting Window and select the Moderator Panel option in the menu:

    The Tool button in the Control Panel of the Meeting Window

    The Moderator Panel provides different moderation tools. It is intended to manage the meeting with a large number of participants.

The Moderator Panel contains two tabs:
  1. The Participants tab: Participant moderation tools.
  2. The Events tab: The log of meeting moderation events.
  3. The Participants tab / The Events tab

Participants Tab

The Participants tab contains:
  1. the list of participants in the main window;
  2. the Filter Panel in the right sidebar.
  3. Participants Tab

Main Window

The main window of the Participants tab contains:

The main window of the Participants tab

  1. The upper panel with search and filtering tools:
  2. The upper panel of the Participants tab with search and filtering tools

    1. Search: Allows you to search among participants of the meeting,
    2. Sorting: Allows you to organize the list of participants by name in two orders: either from A to Z, or from Z to A.
    3. Statuses: Select the status icons to be displayed in the participants list in the sidebar. The default icons are: Banned, Moderator, Audio, Wishes to report:
    4. Panels: Add the selected filter to the Filter Panel on the right. For example, compare the selected options (left picture) and sections in the right sidebar (right picture):
    5. Search and filtering tools

    6. Filter: Allows you to filter the list of users by group and setting the group type:
    7. Screenshot of the Filter

  3. The All participants list that contains all the meeting participants:
  4. The All participants list

    1. The icon displays the following options:
    2. Icon

      1. Display Options: Common List (horizontal) or Compact List (vertical).
      2. Group Operations: Provides options enabling/disabling audio and/or video for a group of participants.
  5. When you hover the mouse cursor over the participant's name, the Participant window appears:
  6. The Participant window

    In this window, you can perform various actions to moderate this participant. To freeze the window to the screen, click the button with a red pin.

Filter Panel

The Filter Panel displays some filters. Each filter window displays the list of participants who satisfy the filter conditions:

The Filter Panel

Events Tab

The Events tab displays the log of meeting moderation events, for example:

The Events tab

The last field indicates if the attribute has been enabled or disabled:
  1. with value 0: The attribute has been enabled.
  2. with value 1: The attribute has been disabled.
To clear the log, click the Clear button.