Scheduling an upcoming meeting

To schedule an upcoming meeting, click the Schedule a Meeting button on the VideoMost start page.

The Schedule a Meeting button

The Schedule a Meeting form will appear:

The Schedule a Meeting form

This form contains the following sections:
  1. Topic: Input the topic of the upcoming meeting or leave the default topic.
  2. Date:
    1. Specify the time zone (e.g. [UTC +03:00] Minsk, Kirov, Simferopol, Moscow, Istanbul). To change this setting, click on the time zone line and select the desired value from the drop-down list. By default, the time zone is indicated, which is set for the conference organizer in his Personal Cabinet.
    2. In the left fields specify the meeting start date and start time. By default: current date and time.
    3. In the right fields specify the meeting start date and end time. By default: current data and time + 1 hour.
  3. Modes: Select one of the options:
    1. Discussion mode: The owner and all the participants can see and hear each other, they can use all the available tools such as screen/application sharing, the whiteboard, etc.
    2. Webinar: The presenter is always visible, the other participants can see and hear only the presenter, while the presenter and the moderator can see each participant.
    3. Seminar: Meeting participants can see and hear only the presenter.
  4. Conference ID: The meeting ID.
  5. Passcode: The meeting passcode.
  6. Fill in the form and click the Schedule a Meeting button.
  7. The Schedule meeting with advanced settings: Opens the Schedule a conference menu tab in the Personal Cabinet, see the details.
  8. Fill in the form and click the Schedule a Meeting button. After scheduling a meeting, the owner can invite participants to this meeting.