Moderating participants in the “Participants” window

Moderation in VideoMost can be performed either by the meeting owner or by an assigned moderator. One of the
ways is moderation in the Participants window.
After clicking the Participants button in the Toolbar the Participants window opens in the Sidebar.
For each participant, the system shows:
- The name in the current meeting (e.g. Alexander Nikolaev).
- The role in the current meeting (Owner/Participant).
Toolbar the Participants window
The meeting owner has moderator rights during the meeting. Besides, the owner can assign one or more meeting
moderators. In the Participants window a moderator can:
- moderate each participant separately (using tool icons next to each participant);
- moderate all meeting participants (options displayed by clicking the More button).
Moderating a single participant
Each participant can be moderated separately. To do it, a moderator can click icons displayed next to each participant:
Moderating a single participant
-Switches on microphone button/Switches off microphone button : Switches on/off the participant’s microphone.
-Switches on video camera button/Switches off video camera button : Switches on/off the participant’s video camera.
- : Displays the following moderation options:
- Make moderator / Not a moderator: Gives to / takes from the participant the moderator status.
- Turn Audio&Video OFF/ON: Turns off/on the participant’s microphone and video camera.
- Make/Remove Presenter: Gives to / takes from the participant the presenter status.
- Put on hold: Blocks the participant temporary from a meeting,
- Turn sound off/on. Turns off/on the participant’s microphone.
- Turn video off/on. Turns off/on the participant’s video camera.
- Turn chat off/on: Disables/enables the participant to leave messages in the Chat.
- Start remote controlling: Starts remote controlling of the participant’s desktop.
Moderating all meeting participants
A moderator has tools which can be applied to all meeting participants simultaneously. After clicking the More
button, the list of the following moderating options appears:
Moderating all meeting participants
- Unban: Stops all the current bans for meeting participants.
- Turn audio and video off for all: Turns audio/video off for all the participants.
- Turn audio and video on for all: Turns audio/video on for all the participants.
- Turn audio off for all: Turns audio off for all the participants.
- Finish conference: Finishes the meeting for all the participants.