Scheduling an Upcoming Meeting

Scheduling and starting a meeting is available only for authorized users.

To schedule an upcoming meeting, click the Schedule a Meeting button on the VideoMost start page.

VideoMost start page

The Schedule a Meeting form opens:

Schedule a Meeting form

This form contains the following sections:

  • Topic: Input the topic of the upcoming meeting or leave the default topic.
  • Date:
    • Specify the time zone, for example:
    • Specify the time zone

      To change this setting, click on the time zone line and select the necessary value from the drop-down list.

    • In the left fields specify the meeting start date and start time. By default: current date and time.
    • In the right fields specify the meeting start date and end time. By default: current data and time + 1 hour.

  • Modes: Select one of the options:
    • Discussion mode: The default mode. The owner and all the participants can see and hear each other, they can use all the available tools such as screen/application sharing, the whiteboard, etc.
    • Presentation: In this mode, the presenter is always visible, other participants can see and hear only him, while the presenter and moderator can see each participant.
    • Seminar: Meeting participants can see and hear only the presenter.

  • Conference ID: The meeting ID.
  • Passcode: The meeting passcode.
  • The Schedule meeting with advanced settings: Opens the Schedule a conference menu tab in the Personal Cabinet. This tab contains advanced settings for scheduling a meeting.

Fill in the form and click the Schedule a Meeting button. The meeting is scheduled and the owner can invite participants to this meeting.